Thursday, April 5, 2007


I wrote a screenplay when I was 12 years old. I really thought it was good, when I was 12 years old. Apparently you realize how awful of a 12 year old writer you are right about now. I was just googling my name for hours. Like always and I stumbled upon this little bad boy, that I FORGOT I WROTE! So I didn't edit this at all, this is how I wrote it. No edits. This is raw!

Sean O'Connor's Kids of America

Kids of America

Sean O'Connor

Kids of America

(Scene opens to a Basketball court in the middle of a DriveWay. You
see one kid who is just passing the ball and one that's shooting. Then
steps in another who picks up the ball.)

Kenny: Hey Dudes.

Seth: Yo Duder.

Randy: Dudes, Stop it with the dudes.

Kenny:No Dude.

Seth: Dude. Dude, Dude stop it dude.

Randy: Narly Dude. But don't you think it would be cool if we ever
made it into Pro Sports.

Kenny: No. Dude.

Randy: Didn't you ever want to be in Sports Dude??

Seth: Yes, Yes, a long long time ago. When I was a young boy.

Kenny: Ok Dude. I'm gonna be like um... there.

Randy: If Garbage and Hootie And The Blowfish mixed together they
would be Hootie's Garbage is BloWFISH.

Seth: Otay. So is this what all normal kid's do?

Kenny: Well Dude, I don't know.

Randy: Of Course, were actually some of the smartest kids though.

Randy: Then again.

(Scene changes to a park)

Seth: Waz up Homeys??

Amber: Shut Up Seth.

Kenny: Did you know toast is hot??

Randy: Too Be or not To Be.. Thereforth a Fair Maide who stands there......

Seth: Where for my dout Romeo?

Amber: No.

Kenny: If my name began with a J I would be Jenny. Also if i was
purple I would be sick.

Seth:I got a 139 IQ.

Kenny: I got #1 IQ. I'm #1. I'm #1. Kenny RUlez.

Randy: Kenny Rulez.

Amber: Hey Seth wanna go to a Movie??

Seth: Would I??

Amber: That's what I want to know.

Seth: Your all morons. You are.

Jack: Super Dee Duper. Hey Hey My Fabuloso Peoples. I'm Buff, I'm The
Stuff, and Hey What's my line again.

Randy: Everybody's a Suspect. I Spy The Friendly Skies, In order to
have some pie. In the eye.

Kenny: Don't Lie.

Randy: I.. I.. Fly!!

Randy: Amber would you go out with me??

Amber: Um... No.

Randy: Lika Lika Lika OUCH!!

Kenny: Ouchie ouchie Tamagootchie!!

Randy:Woodstock Baby!! 3 Days of Mad Cool Rock and Roll and Shagadelic
VIbes Baby Yeah!!

Seth: You guys are stupid did you know that??

Both: Stupid Is as Stupid Does Sir.

Amber: Pyschos. Losers. Pure Losers.

Seth: Exactly, Exactly my point. Now that you 2 morons are occupied
how about we have a fiesta tonight.

Randy: Huh?

Kenny: The square root of 44 is 11 equaled into the isosles of a
square that turns into a angle.

Amber: Like um.. no. Like as if Kenny. Kenny you are such a moron like Whatever!

Randy: Hehe she said Az if. Alright Alicia.

Amber: You really think so.

Randy: Whatever.

Seth: Did you notice all of the people staring at us we've been
sitting here talk for like ever.

Tiffany: Like Hey, Amber.

Randy: Howdy Ho Tiffy.

Tiffany: Get away from ME Creep.

Kenny: Hey Sup Dude??

Tiffany: I am not a Dude. Do I look like a Dude I think not loser boy
get away from me. LOSER!!

Seth: Hey Tiffany.

Tiffany: Hey Seth. How can you hang with these dopes.

Randy: I am not a DRUG!! Leave me alone. I am Batman.

Kenny: I am Superman. Up Up and Away!!!

Randy: It's a Bird, It's a Plan It's Super DUDE Man. DUDE!!

Seth: I don't know I really don't know why I hang with them.

Kenny: Seth because me and you are buddys.

Randy: Budday. Budday. Budday.

Kenny: Budday Budday Stop It Budday. Are you my Budday Budday??

Randy: Budday.


Randy: Ahhhhhhh!!!


Amber: What??

Seth: Show Me!!

Tiffany: You know Amber, like we are going to taht party tonight. And
we must pick up Cici.

Amber: Like For Sure.

Randy: Yo Yo You Will All Respect My Authoriti!!

Tiffany: Ok. Feeling all right, Stop
taking so much Prozak.

Kenny: Party Party, Did somebody say Party?? And how come I didn't
hear about this??

Tiffany: Because you weren't invited.



Kenny: Ice Ice Baby Do Do Dood Do Do Do. Now Check It Spin It while my
DJ Recalls it.

Randy: You Got The Right Stuff Baby!!!

Tiffany & Amber: NEVER!! Oh like alright.

(Randy & Kenny was moonwalking through the crowds of people)

Seth: Kenny & Randy quit making fools of yourself.

Tiffany: That's what they do best.

Cici: Like Hi Tiffy and Amber. Hi Seth. What are they doing here??

Randy: X-Files Episode 209.

Kenny: No Definetly 101.

Randy: No it's the one where the Alien comes down to earth and kidnaps
Gillian Anderson.

Kenny: No. I'm right on this one it's 101. When David Duchovney
realizes he's a guy.

Randy: Good Point. Shall we move on.

Randy: Hey John.

John: Sup Randy.

Randy: Not your fly. Hehe.

Kenny: Sup Joey??

Joey: Nothin Homie.

Kenny: Step away. Are you Wyclef??

Joey: Heck no.

Randy: What's my motivation.

CiCi: TO Get The Out of my House you Loser.

Randy: WOW!!!

Kenny: YEA. Hear that language honey??

GIrl: Do I know you??

Kenny: NO!!!

Girl: Then get away from me upchuck.

Kenny: Love that name. Call me it again honey.

Girl: CALL 911 THIS PERV Won't Leave ME ALONE!!!

Randy: I know You Wanna Get With ME!!!

Tiff: Talk to the Hand.

Cici: Oh My Gawd. I can't believe these creeps. KLenny & Randy gotta go.

Randy: I don't gotta go to the bathroom.


Kenny: She thinks she's an animal. I love this Game. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Randy: I know your a Chicken..

Kenny: No Stupid I'm a Dog. MOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Randy: Right Chickens go Rough Rough.

Seth: Hey Cici.

Cici: Like Hey Seth. You gotta get rid of those imbusles.

Seth: No can do.

Tiffany: Seth is looking FINE!!

Amber: Yuck!

Seth: Amber is Looking FINE!!!

Kenny: Yuck!!

Randy: Hey I think that she's pretty.

Seth: That's a card board cut-up.

Kenny: DIBS!!

Amber: I am going to ask that guy out.

Vinnie: Hey Hey CHick.

Amber: What's up??

Vinnie: Wanna dance??

Amber: Yea with that Cute Guy over there.

Amber: Hey Randy.

Randy: This is a Bunch of Tree Huggin Hippy Crap.

Amber: Randy sup??

Randy: I hate School.

Amber: Randy??

Randy: Hey Kenny.

Kenny: No your not getting it.

Randy: Stop Ouch. That hurts.

Kenny: Haha. Loser. It's all MINE ALL MINE. Right Seth??

Seth: huh??

Kenny: Hey.

Jamie: HiYa.

Kenny: Like you are cool.

Jamie: Like you are like cool too.

Joey: Hey Kenny remember when you puked 4th Grade:

Jamie: Bye.

Kenny: Remember when I kicked your butt.

Joey: No.

Kenny: How about now??

Seth: FIGHT!!!


Seth: Hehe COOL.

Randy: I've never seen this side of you Seth.


Amber: I think he's drunk.

Tiffany: He definetly is.

Kenny: Could be??

Randy: Might be.

Kenny: HOME RUN!!! He's drunk.

Tiffany: Geeze, I liked him too.

Seth: Hey guys don't you hate De Ja Vu??

Seth: Hey guys don't you hate De Ja Vu??

Kenny: Like so like what's up??

Kenny:Ummmmmm This taffy smells wonderful.

Amber: That's nice.

Randy: Hey I got an idea for a movie. "A girl mom dies, and she gets sad."


Kenny :Points in the air: DUDE THAT COULD WIN AN OSCAR! Man.

Randy: Hey CIci.

Cici: Step away.

Randy: Please like I just need to know where the bathroom is?

Cici: That's it get OUT OF MY PARTY!! YOU AND KENNY!!!

Kenny: What??

:People all staring at them:

Both: We Know What Your Thinking. Were not gonna do what we all think
were gonna do. FLIPPPPP OUT MAAAAN!!! :Going nuts:

Randy: Now Who's Coming with US?? WHO'S COMING WITH
US?? C'mon Who is COming With Us??

:Some girl rasies her hand:

Kenny: Thank You Whatever Your name Is? Thank You.

Jennifer: Like Would you go out with me?

Kenny: NOPE I'm A Homo A BIG ONE!!!

Jennifer: Ewww!!


:Some gay guy raises his hand:

Randy: You don't qualify Gay Guy. WHo Else Is COming With Us??

:They all start partying again.:

Kenny: Talk about your all time biggest backfires.

Randy: I feel unwanted :(

Kenny: Where's Seth??

Randy: Don't know don't care.

Kenny: He went to the other side.

Randy: The Dark Side.

Kenny: Wanna go home and go on America online??

Randy: Sure why not? I hear that Bigbuns11 is in Teen Chat 101.

Kenny: Oh Yea Sweet buns!!

Randy: Bill Clinton called Monica Lewinsky that.

Kenny: Dude that's not in the script.

Kenny: Hmmm that's intresting. I gotta do WHAT???

Randy: Yea it is. Oh No that's when I get a......... Arrested.

Kenny: And yea and that's when I got Lay's Potato Chips You Can't Just Eat One.

Randy: That's a good chip

Amber: You guys haven't left yet??

Randy: We don't have any money or transportation and a Monkey stole my Pants!!

Kenny: The monkey ain't going near dese babies!!

Amber: That's because your wereing nothing.

Amber: Randy I'll get you pants.

Randy: Man I felt the pretty breeze.

AmbeR: Sickness.

Kenny: Puking.

Randy: Hurling.

AmbeR: Disgusting both of you. Better clean up your acts.

Kenny: We take Showers. At least one of us does.

Randy: That can not be proven in a court of law. My Dawg, Yea that's
it crawled all over these shorts. Yea that's it.

Kenny: Welcome to Jurassic Park, Tiffany!!

Tiffany: Welcome to my Foot in your nuts.

Randy: Haha.

Randy: MY NUTS.


Randy: Dork!!

Kenny: She kicked us in the JUNK!!

Amber: Losers.

Tiffany: When are they gonna learn that girls rule??

Randy: (British Accent) Girl Power!! Spice Girls. I am so Sporty!! Emma!

Kenny: (In British Accent) I am too Posh. Girl Power fight for your
liberal rights.

Amber: They are so stupid.

Randy: No were not.

Kenny: I didn't spend 7 Years in Kindergarten because I WAS STUPID!!!

Randy: Kenny you didn't spend 7 years in Kindergarten.

Kenny: Shut up Randy.

Tiffany: Why don't we go get those hot guys in there to dance with us?

Randy: Do you have to mention in there??

Tiffany: Can we go IN THERE??

Randy: Don't care. One day oh yes I will meet Jim Breuer.

Amber: Weirdo.

Kenny: Weirdo.

Randy: Weirdo.

Tiffany: Dorks.

Kenny: You ruined it.

Tiffany: So what?

Randy: Look who it is? It's SETH.

Kenny: Hey Trader. Oops I mean Seth.

Randy: Good one.

Seth: I was just chillen inside for a lil'.

Randy: OK Busta Ryhmes!!

Kenny: Seth you hate us right?

Randy: WHY?

Kenny: WHY?

Seth: No why?

Kenny: Just felt like saying WHY!!

Seth: I outtie Yo.

:Party scene ends:

Roy: Hey guys.

Kenny: Hey.

Roy: What's wrong with Randy?

Kenny: Randy's X-Files Calender Surprisingly Disappeared.

Randy: Man.

Roy: Oh Man good thing I got mine all nice and snuggled.

Randy: Ahhhh!!

Kenny: Poor thing.

Roy: Have you seen Seth?

Kenny: Not since the parrrrrrrrrrtaaaaaaaaay!!

Randy: I saw him leave in a STRAAAAAAAANGE Black Van. Never saw it
before. And I think he has my calender.

Roy: Hmmmm..... Let's try to look for him. Ahhh he's probaly sleeping.

Jack: Hey guys.

Jack: What was the emergency?

Kenny: Jack what's with the PJ's?

Jack: Hey I didn't come here to get made fun of.

Randy: Jack, Why don't you go home to get changed.

:Jack starts running.:

:Roy, Kenny and Randy run over to him:



Randy: Hehe Cool.

Roy: Jack you alright? That seemed like it hurt.

Jack: Mommy I don't wanna go to school I didn't do my homework.

Randy: Duh!! He tells his mom he doesn't do his homework he's a bad liar.

Kenny: Shut Up Dude. He might have broken a nail.

Jack: Dude I am alright.

:Phone rings.:

Roy: Hello.

Strange Voice: I'm not interupting anything am I?

Roy: Randy umm.. it's for you.

Randy: Umm.. Hello.

Strange Voice: Do you know who this is?

Randy: Umm.. Could it be Lamb Chop? You finally returned my letters
and stuff. Thank You.

Strange Voice: We got your friend. He'll be dead in less then 48 Hours
if you don't give us the Card.

Randy: What Card?

Strange Voice: YOUR Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie Card.

Randy: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Roy you take it. :Crying:

Roy: Listen up, Dork. Don't threaten my friends.

Seth: Oooooowwwwwwww!! He's got me. Give him all he wants.

Strange Voice: Meet me at the Beach at 12. In 48 Hours.

:Amber, Tiffany, and CiCi walk over.:

Amber: What happened to Randy? He is like in tears.

Randy: They want my Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie Card. Who cares about Seth?

Tiffany: Where's Seth?

Roy: He's been kidnapped.

Kenny: We gotta find him.

:FLashes over to The Evil Doctor's Lair.:

Dr.McGroin: Haha I knew it would work. Now I would get the Card. And I
can sell it for 1 billion dollars. Hahaha. Seth why aren't you touchin
your food. It's only Macaroni and RATS.

Seth: Dude let me go and I'll get you a Griffey Rookie.

Dr.McGroin: I don't want yours. I want. I want.

Seth: You don't know what you want.

Dr.McGroin: So. I want money. Money money. I love money. And Seth you
will attract alot of that.

:Flashes back to the park.:

TIffany: *69.

Amber: Hello is like Seth there?

Dr.McGroin: Yes he is.

Kenny: I want Seth back you dirty little......

Amber: Mr...

Dr.McGroin: My name Holden. Holden McGroin and you call me Mr. I
didn't spend 7 Years in Medical School to be called Mr.

Amber: Sorry, I just wanted to know. Can we give you money for you to
release Seth?

Roy: Let me talk to Holden McGroin. Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahaha.

Dr.McGroin: Oh if it isn't the Next Sherlock Holmes Roy Zario. Roy I
am familiar with your work. Like the time you found out I blew up the
whole darn City. Roy for only 13 Years old you are smart. But this ia
my smartest move yet. Hahaha.

Roy: Listen up Holden. I hate you and you hate me. But I know Seth we
are cousins. I am not gonna let you take him away. Now I will give you
300 dollers for him back. Now you better do it or your dead.

Dr.McGroin: Ok see you there. Loser. DISTANT Cousins Hahaha.

:Flashes to Labratory.:

Dr.McGroin: I am getting 300 Buckaroonis because i kidnapped you. I
can't belive it. This is so fantastic.

Seth: You'll never get away with this.

Dr.McGroin: I already have.

:Flashes to a Street.:

Joey: I love you, you love me. Where a happy family.

Strange Voice: Come here.

Joey: Ok.

Strange Voice: You like Candy? Then come on in.

Joey: Do I?

:Joey goes in.:

Dr.McGroin: Geeze that was as easy as Pammmmmmmmmmmm in the oven that
is so easy.

:Flashes back to Park:

Kenny: I wonder where Seth can be??

Randy: Hey Seth.



Randy: That Seth. Well I think we could find him.

Roy: Seth we'll find in 48 Hours.

Kenny: I don't wanna wait a whole Week.

Amber: You guys are stupid arant cha?

Randy:That's what everybody says. But with all due respect miss, I'm
not the one crying over Seth.

Kenny: Red Head Right ahead.

Roy: It's Jack.

Jack: I got a concussion and 2 Broken Ribs.

Randy: I love ribs.