Hype or Buzz
There's been hype or is it Buzz?
Right now for whatever reason Here's The Thing is getting a lot of press attention from different things and it feels weird because I ind of feel like we don't deserve all of it. Just a little bit of it.
But we are fielding all of these gigantic magazine's requests to come to the show. That's weird. I feel weird about it.
But I like buzz or hype. I get behind artists that have it. Like for the past two months I've been enamored with Lily Allen. 

Not just because of her sly looks but also because I enjoy her music as well as being a crazy anglo-phile. I kind of want people to find my obsession with all things British to be a bit much. But no one even realizes it. I should not like England as much as I do because of the fact I'm Irish. But I've decided to let everything slide. Sorryzzzz. It's all because of Lily Allen. I think she might be the key to that strife. Maybez? I hope so. As I type this I'm looking at the picture of her and she's clearly drunk and I'm okay with that. She seems like maybe she'd be fun to be around.
LILY ALLEN: Play 'DREAMING' by Blondie!
ME (Sean O'Connor): I just did.
LILY ALLEN: Play it again, and I'll blow you.
ME: Okay.
And I play it and she doesn't blow me. But we laugh about the idea of it. It was really funny. You don't expect that out of future pop sensations or current. I think it might be current. She's getting praise from everyone but my girlfriend. With good reason. I'm just hoping she succeeds with this career or should I root against her? That might be a good idea cause if she failed and I succeed it would be different. Cause she would have lived my experience already and vice versa. However, my failures were very miniscule and not like an epic failure of my entire career. But let's not root against her because what if she does fail and then we meet and then she realizes I had a blog and like SHE REALLY LIKES ME, so she reads all the back blogs. Then she reads this and goes "Woah, he cursed me." I know, I know. I really think like this. I'm just too awesome for words.
So last but not least, check out if the hype is well deserved or not on Tuesday February 6th @ The PIT. Tickets on Sale Now @ thepit-nyc.com.

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